Will the events be broadcast?
Yes! Every event on the calendar will be broadcast in part both live free to air and via video on demand on SBS.
In addition to the live broadcast, every stage will have highlights covered and shared both on the live broadcast and via the PSL digital network.
Are the events confirmed?
Yes all the events are confirmed. The full calendar will be available soon but all events are now live under the 'Events' tab.
How many teams are there going to be?
PSL has an ambitious target of 30 teams across the men’s and women’s divisions in year 1. This doesn’t mean we need 30 teams to go ahead though!
How do I get into a team?
A facebook group has been established as a hub to connect riders with teams. This is a great way for riders looking for teams can connect with them. Riders can request to join via the below link. https://www.facebook.com/groups/provelosuperleague
What if I don’t get into a team, can I still race?
Wildcard entries will be offered to individuals. A process to apply will be launched in October and successful applicants will be notified at the latest, 4 weeks prior to each event. In some cases, wildcard entries may be available for the full season. Wildcard riders will only be permitted to ride in plain, unsponsored clothing or their club clothing and all entries will be done under their cycling clubs. Wildcard entries may also be accepted for teams. The number of wildcard’s offered will be dependent on maximum allowed riders which is different for each event. All details on wildcard applications will available in October.
What are the rules and regulations around the league?
The rules and regulations are currently in draft format but are available to view on the PSL website under 'PSL Technical Regulations 2025'.
Is there prize money and/or prizes on offer?
There will be both prizes and prize money on offer across the league categories.
Exact details will be released in due course. All individual events may have their own prize money structure which is up to the discretion of the event promoters.
State teams, how does this work?
State teams are still currently in discussion. All news regarding the creation of state teams will be released via the PSL facebook hub.
Can I be involved in the events if I'm not cycling?
You sure can! We have the PSL Bunch where you can volunteer to the extent that you are comfortable with. Register your interest with us on the 'Volunteer' Page. We would love to have the support and involvement of the community
Do Wildcards need to provide race mechanical support or will neutral spares be available and if so how will they be allocated/managed?
We have neutral support for all events provided for by SRAM. They will service all individual riders including wildcard, individual riders.
Can we provide of own mechanical support?
At Criteriums yes, but not in the event convoy as a convoy vehicle.
With regards in 'Race feeding' how does this occur for wild card riders?
We will have a bottles provided for Wildcards via the neutral support cars. These will have water only in them.
What is the refund policy for individual race registration fee's?
We can provide a full refund up to two weeks prior to the event start. After that, full refunds will require a doctor’s certificate.
Are 'guest' rides with teams allowed?
You can guest race for a fully registered team as long as they have space in their roster for one extra rider and that rider is not registered with another team. They can guest ride with Wildcard teams at anytime.