Cycling Development Foundation

Providing Pathways

Opportunity. Participation. Equity.

The Cycling Development Foundation offers pathways to support cyclists at all levels, from beginners to elite and professional.

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Developing Life and Cycling Skills

The Cycling Development Foundation Racing (CDFR) program offers a comprehensive approach to athlete development for aspiring junior, female, and male athletes. 

Official CDF Website


The Cycling Development Foundation Inc (CDF) was founded in 2016 and is a not-for-profit incorporated Association created to provide a proven pathway for aspiring young people that wish to engage in cycling as a means of developing life skills and even a professional athlete status. This is facilitated via two pillars comprising: the Community Program; and the Cycling Program.

The Cycling Development Foundation Racing Program provides expert-led coaching and athlete development, tailored to each individual, through evidence-based principles of sports science and psychology. We value the process of developing high performance over the achievement of high-performance outcomes alone.

CDF Men's Team

2025 Rider Announcement - Coming Soon

Community Program

Over the last six years, CDF have provided multiple successful initiatives including access to education, fitness, well-being testing, specific cycle training, bike maintenance skills, road safety training and participation in events relevant to cycling.   

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