MBC Mia Williams


Who or what inspired you to take up cycling?

My dad raced the VRS and local club crits when I was younger, my family went to watch his races a lot. It was definitely a mixture between watching him racing and then riding in the Great Vic Bike Ride at the end of 2017 which inspired me to start racing the VJRS the following year.

What was your first race and where did you finish?

Alpe de Buffalo in Under 15 B grade. There was two of us racing and after stopping half way up for a snack break I ended up winning… still about half an hour behind the A grade girls.

When did you realise you were good at riding a bike?

After having very minimal success my first few years of racing, coming out of lockdown and racing my first race in early 2021 I was able to stick with the front group of 5 at the Ararat junior tour. Coming 4th in that small race definitely consolidated that I knew I could improve and made me hungry to start properly training and committing to the sport.

Studying, working or full time cyclist?

In 2024 I’m going to be managing all three. I will be studying a Bachelor of Science at Melbourne University and think I want to go into environmental/climate science, I also work in a bike shop just down the road from me and obviously train a lot too!

Personal info

Carnegie Caulfield Cycling Club
Dylan Lindsay