Excitement Building for New Look Cycling Classic

3 days ago

The city of Grafton in the northern rivers of NSW will host the start of the 64th edition of the Squadron Energy Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic on Saturday 15 March 2025. The Classic is one of Australia’s most challenging road cycling races, renowned for its difficult terrain and gruelling distance. Starting in the Clarence Valley, the race follows the Gwydir Highway to the New England High Country, attracting top cyclists from across the country and international competitors.

In 2025, the event will be round 5 of the inaugural ProVelo Super League (PSL), an annual cycling league hosted across Australia with teams and athletes competing in a points format over six events. It features an elite men’s and women’s division and acts as a valuable pathway for athletes looking to pursue the ‘Road to the World Tour’.

Chris Thompson – Event Director of the Squadron Energy Grafton to Inverell said “The Grafton to Inverell has the reputation as Australia’s toughest one day cycling race. It is an iconic race on the National cycling calendar that boasts a list of winners and participants who have Olympic Games and Tour de France success. It has continued to be an important event in the development pathway for many of Australia’s aspiring cyclists and it is fitting that it is a feature event of the new ProVelo Super League (PSL).”

The first three rounds of the League have generated a growing interest in domestic cycling in Australia through the increased media coverage including live television broadcast of many of the rounds. It has also presented a wider opportunity to showcase the local towns and regions along the course routes.

The action will return to the centre of Glen Innes this year, where it will be a key part of the race route, with riders contesting a sprint point near the Australian Standing Stones before passing through the heart of the town along Grey Street. A Feed Station will be set up along the route, supported by local volunteers, and spectators can follow the race through live radio coverage, heightening the excitement of the day.  

Aaron Flanagan – Co-Founder of the PSL said “Bringing elite cycling back to our townships and city centres to create an exciting experience for both the riders and spectators of the ProVelo Super League is a core pillar of our strategic vision. Congratulations to Clarence Valley Council, Glen Innes Severn Council and Inverell Shire Council for embracing this opportunity and throwing their support behind this iconic race.” 

Chris Thompson said “It is very important for the race to maintain the connection to the communities that are showcased along the 229km route. We welcome the opportunity to bring the action back into the heart of Glen Innes at a point in the race that is often decisive in deciding the final selection of riders that will contest the finish in Inverell.”

The event is very proud to once again have Squadron Energy as the major event partner this year. Their fantastic support has allowed the event to expand from a one-day format to a two-day festival of cycling that kicks off in Grafton on Saturday morning and finishes in Inverell on Sunday.

The PSL men’s and women’s races will be supported by several event options in 2025 that promote broader participation of the cycling community. The additional options include:

  • The Grafton to Inverell Open where competitive cyclists from throughout Australia get to compete in age categories over the full gruelling distance of 229km
  • The Grafton to Inverell Pairs Relay where the first team member rides from Grafton to Mt Mitchell (119km) before passing over to the second team member who completes the final leg of the Grafton to Inverell course from Mt Mitchell to the finish in Inverell (110km).
  • The Mt Mitchell to Inverell Gran Fondo as a shorter event option over 110km on Saturday
  • The inclusion of Open and Masters Lake Inverell Circuit races on Sunday to support the PSL categories.

Event organisers see the additional categories attracting more riders to the region, driving even greater local participation and providing more opportunities for spectators to experience some of the best cycling racing in the country.

“The Grafton to Inverell is a very tough race,” said Chris Thompson. “It has close to 4000m of climbing and a cut-off time of nine and a half hours. We recognise that it does require a level of preparation and training just to finish.”

“Whilst the full distance race remains the feature of the weekend, it is great that additional riders can now be part of the action, share the experience and contribute to the atmosphere of a fantastic weekend of racing.”

Where to watch the race


Watch the excitement of the riders preparing for the race and departing Grafton from the starting point located outside Memorial Gardens in Prince Street from 6.30AM to 7.30AM.

Glen Innes 

The best and safest viewing area will be on the west edge of Grey Street, from Wentworth Street through to Meade Street. Riders will be passing through between 9:15 AM and 2:00 PM, or when the final support vehicle (Sag Wagon) passes.


Cheer the riders to the finish and experience the ‘Finish Line Festival’ at Victoria Park, Vivian Street, Inverell where there will be a multi-cultural food festival, live music, presentations and action on the big screen between 10.30AM and 5.00PM.

SBS coverage and radio broadcast
Catch all the excitement as SBS Coverage follows the race from Grafton to Inverell! You can also tune in to STA FM 91.9 to listen to live radio coverage, broadcasting throughout the day and covering action across all the race categories. Coverage will be broadcast on Sunday, 16 March from 1pm to 4pm on SBS and SBS On Demand. 

To learn more about the event, please visit: www.graftontoinverell.com.au

Road Closure Information

To ensure the safety of riders and spectators, temporary road closures will be in place on the day:

  • Road Closure of Gwydir Highway between Tindall Road at Grafton and Bald Nob Road at Bald Nob from 7.15AM to 1:30PM for all WESTBOUND traffic (Grafton to Glen Innes)
  • Road Closure of Gwydir Highway between Bald Nob Road at Bald Nob and Tindall Road at Grafton from 5:15AM to 1:30PM for all EASTBOUND traffic (Glen Innes to Grafton)
  • Road Closure of Prince Street from Victoria Street to the river at Grafton from 5:00AM to 8.00AM
  • Road Closure of Grey Street between Wentworth Street and Ferguson Street at Glen Innes from 7:00AM to 2:15PM
  • Road Closure of Vivian Street between Glen Innes Road and Evans St at Inverell from 7.00AM to 5.30PM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Fitzroy Street, Craig Street and Bent Street between Prince Street and the Gwydir Highway at Grafton from 7.15AM to 7.30AM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Gwydir Highway between Bent Street and Tindall Road at Grafton from 7.15AM to 8.15AM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Gwydir Highway between Bald Nob Road at Bald Nob to Church Street at Glen Innes from 8:45AM to 2:00PM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Church Street between Meade Street to Wentworth/Torrington Streets at Glen Innes from 9:15AM to 2:00PM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Wentworth Street from Church Street to Grey Street at Glen Innes from 9:15AM to 2:00PM
  • Rolling Road Closures (Police and Official Vehicles Escort) of Gwydir Highway between Ferguson Street at Glen Innes to Vivian Street at Inverell from 9:20AM to 5:00PM

Road closures and changed traffic conditions will be effective on Saturday, 15 March 2025.  Motorists are advised to exercise caution and be mindful of cyclists and support vehicles.

Entries for the 2025 Squadron Energy Grafton to Inverell will close on Tuesday 4 March at 11.59PM - https://www.graftontoinverell.com.au/

Media Contact: 
Chris Thompson – Event Director
Phone 0408 092 592
Email [email protected]

More news

MEDIA RELEASE: The 64th Squadron Energy Grafton to Inverell Cycle Classic to feature on ProVelo Super League calendar in 2025.