Alana Hribar

I was around cycling and it just seemed like a natural step.
My first proper race was Mount Buffalo Junior Tour in 2018 as a first year u15. Mia Williams and I were the only two racing in B grade where we both got dropped from A grade in race neutral and agreed to stop half way up Buffalo to eat a muesli bar and have a drink because we couldn’t take a hand off the handlebars to eat or drink whilst riding at the time.
Full time cyclist, but have also completed a few AucCycling coach courses and am a qualified coach. I coach the Junior Victorian Track Academy and Junior Victorian State Track Team at Nationals. I also have a passion for bike mechanics.
Honestly, just get as far as I can whilst loving it. But racing Roubaix one day would be crazy.
I love a coffee ride because I get to spend time with some of my best friends and chat and gossip whilst ticking off my training. Also love doing intervals up 1/20 because I always see people I know going up and down and seeing them and waving at each other each time we pass gives me a reason to smile and motivates me to finish my efforts.